Chi siamo

Incontra il team dietro


FundedNext è un'azienda leader nel settore del trading, impegnata a fornire ai trader opportunità e risorse senza precedenti per eccellere nel mercato finanziario. Il nostro team di veterani del settore, esperti finanziari e appassionati di tecnologia lavora instancabilmente per offrire soluzioni innovative che superano i limiti e stabiliscono i parametri di riferimento nel mondo del trading.

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La nostra missione

FundedNext is on an ambitious mission to change the lives of 50 million traders around the world. Our commitment to providing cutting-edge strategies, innovative technologies, and exceptional support aims to revolutionize the trading experience for individuals and organizations alike. As we embark on this journey, we remain steadfast in our dedication to empowering traders, shaping a brighter financial future, and making a lasting impact on the global trading community.

La nostra visione

At FundedNext, we believe in pushing boundaries and setting the highest benchmarks in everything we do. Our vision is to be the absolute best at creating value for our customers, people, and stakeholders. We strive for excellence in every aspect, fostering a culture that encourages growth, innovation, and commitment to delivering top-notch results for all those involved with FundedNext.With unwavering commitment, we unlock limitless potential and push boundaries.

Scopo principale

Perché ci svegliamo e veniamo al lavoro ogni giorno



  • Noi di FundedNext siamo guidati da uno scopo semplice ma potente: cambiare la vita attraverso il trading. Siamo consapevoli che dietro ogni trade c'è una persona con sogni, aspirazioni e il potenziale per avere un impatto duraturo sulla propria vita e sul mondo.

  • La nostra appassionata dedizione ai trader ci spinge a esplorare continuamente nuovi orizzonti, abbracciando strategie trasformative e tecnologie emergenti che consentono loro di sprigionare il loro pieno potenziale e di lasciare un segno indelebile sulla scena del trading globale.

Valori fondamentali

Principi guida che Ci definiscono

  • Muoversi velocemente, inseguire l'eccellenza

  • Gioco di squadra

  • Assumiti la responsabilità, Ottieni risultati

  • Fornire le migliori esperienze

  • Discutere apertamente, impegnarsi a fondo

  • Inventare e semplificare

  • Onestà e integrità

Ufficio Funded Next

Dai un'occhiata al nostro ufficio

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FundedNext Incontri e conferenze globali

FundedNext proudly stands at the forefront of the trading industry, having pioneered a first-of-its-kind initiative by organizing global traders meetups in Philippines, Thailand and Nigeria

Partnership strategica con

MetaQuotes, Google e Meta

We are proud to be in a strategic partnership with MetaQuotes, Google and Meta. This collaboration brings together the collective strength, expertise, and resources of different industry leaders to revolutionize the financial market.


Diamo potere ai trader con la libertà finanziaria


At FundedNext, we have always been passionate about fostering an environment that supports growth, innovation, and success in the trading industry. As CEO, I am both honored and humbled to lead a team of dedicated professionals who share this passion and work tirelessly to provide our clients with unparalleled opportunities and resources.We thank you for your continued support and trust in FundedNext, and we remain dedicated to delivering cutting-edge solutions, fostering a culture of excellence, and helping you achieve your financial goals.

In conclusion, as the CEO of FundedNext, I am filled with immense pride for the work we do and the unwavering dedication of our team.


Abdullah Jayed / CEO

Supportiamo i trader nel Conquistare i mercati


As FundedNext's Chief Strategy Officer, I am privileged to be part of a team that is dedicated to redefining the world of trading and providing the best possible experience for our clients. Our innovative approach, coupled with our unwavering commitment to excellence, has propelled us to become a leading name in the trading industry.

Thank you for choosing FundedNext as your partner in success. We look forward to continuing to serve you with world-class expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a relentless drive for innovation.


Abdullah Galib / CSO

La nostraSezione Premi

We pride ourselves on the exceptional leadership of our CEO and CSO, who have garnered numerous prestigious awards, reaffirming our status as industry frontrunners delivering innovative solutions tailored to our clients' ever-evolving requirements.

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